
Loneliness is when you have no chairmate for a whole week and you gotta spend your time at school just for studying. oh c'mon...i wouldn't be me if i didn't do gossip 'bout teacher or another else, especially ones who sit around me. (be sure you've been the victim). And when your close friends know you're alone but they don't even visit you just to say hello or something. So damn hurts.

But the most lonely part is when you have nobody to share with (re: single). Don't blame me for not being able to fall in love because i don't want it either. I don't know why I feel a liitle envious when seeing my friends that are in love. I've tried to get it but it's futile. Damn I hate this feeling.

FOCUSING ON STUDYING hahaha what an excuse. Trust me it's just an excuse and i'm not gonna use such a chicken excuse like that. I'm not chicken, at least an inch bigger than it.

well, it's just an unimportant post, ignore it. kidding me if you believe in whole this part. what you gotta know is i'm a bad liar. really bad.


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