I'll go with you

As people said,
you will know what love'is when you are about to lose it.
I thought only time ran quickly. But also you've been truly changing.
I don't realize it 'till you pass me without a word.
I wave my hand and you just make a flat smile.
So sore.

Now everything is just so awkward for me.
Your deed made me feel like this.
I blame you for sure, for everything.
You made me feel happy to death and sad like an idiot at the same time.
You came into my dream. Everynight.
And I just don't understand why I felt so comfortable everytime you held my hand there.
Then I just understand why I always want to be next to you

Counting how many days left we have,
and I know there will be the time when we'll totally be apart.
Before that happens, I've made one fool decision.
I'll try to be always beside you, I'll go with you.


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