
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: Let's write a story together?
You: how can?
Stranger: line by line
You: started by you
Stranger: okay
Stranger: hum...
Stranger: "What's wrong with you?" Mike asked his girlfriend, Sarah, for the 100th time that day. She seemed so distant...
You: "i got headache". she said
Stranger: "That's not true. I know you well enough. TELL ME WHAT'S WRONG!" He yelled, frustrated.
You: "why don't you belive me? look at my eyes! i say the truth" she yelled
Stranger: He held her face between his hands "You are lying. Why?"
You: Sarah left Mike alone in the room. She couldn't think why he didnt trust her
Stranger: Mike followed her. "Sarah...wait."
You: She didn't Mike's voice. There were so many things in her head that made her felt blue
You: She didn't hear Mike's voice. There were so many things in her head that made her felt blue
Stranger: He forced her to look at him. "Sarah. Please tell me what's wrong. You're driving me insane. I've known you for pratically all my life and I know you're not okay. You are not okay..."
You: "Mike.... actually, i wanna go shopping but i dont have money"
Stranger: He raised an eyebrow. "I am not giving you any more money."
You: "Mike....."
Stranger: "No." He said firmly.
You: "Mike....."
Stranger: "NO!"
Stranger: "Enough is enough! Why don't you go work and get some money? Jeez."
You: Sarah is speechless. She maid think to find a job in newspaper today

No replied for so long........
Stranger: [are you there?]
You: [yes]
Stranger: [so... why are you taking so long?]
You: [i've typed]
You: Sarah is speechless. She maid think to find a job in newspaper today
Stranger: [sent it]
You: [continue it]
Stranger: "I'm tired of always giving you money and not get it back! Sometimes... sometimes I think you're only with me because of my money!"
You: "NO... I'm with you because my heart belongs to you"
Stranger: "Oh really? So what if I stopped giving all those clothes, all those jewels, all that make-up... would you still love me?
Stranger: "
You: "......... It's better we stop this conversation. I love you and you know that." Sarah entered her room and locked it
Stranger: "Fine. I'm leaving now. If you don't stop me, I'll leave you forever.
You: "Mike.... do you know why romeo and julliet could live together?" Sarah asked and dindn't wait for Mike's anwer. "Because of trust"
Stranger: He sat beside the door. "You think I don't trust you." He said completely sure.
You: Sarah opened the door and kept standing. She didn't know what to do
Stranger: "Well... I'm not sure if I can trust you anymore. You were clearly lying a few moments ago. It has nothing to do with shopping, right?" He asked, not facing her.
You: "what are you going to do now?"
Stranger: "I don't know. I just want the truth." He stood up and face her "Was it your brother? Did he beat you up again? You know you can tell me anything..."
You: Kriiiing... Sarah picked her cellphone. "Hello. What? Hospital? Where? Okay... I'll be there". She said to Mike "you're right. It's about my brother. He made a trouble again"
Stranger: "What did he do?"
You: "I'll tell you later. Now I have to go to hospital. Do you come with me?"
Stranger: "Sure."
Stranger: [how do we write things now? we pretend that we're on the hospital?]
You: [sure]
Stranger: -at the hospital-
Stranger: "Sarah, will you tell me what happened now?"
You: "MIke...." she breathed a sigh "David use drug".
Stranger: He gasped. "Drugs?! How... how is that even possible?!"
You: "I... I don't know... Last week when I came to his house he was painful and asked me to take him his drugs on the cupboard. I didn't know what to do... and I just did what he asked" she started crying
Stranger: He held her. "You're going to live with me."
Stranger: "I don't want you in that house any other minute. Since your parents don't take care of you, I will."
You: Sarah spontaneously hugged the man who sat beside her. She couldn't be able to said another words except.... "I love you, Mike"
You: ____The End_____
You: [sorry my english is bad :( ]
Stranger: [the story is ended?]
You: [i think yes. sorry i have something to do now]
Stranger: [okay, bye]

Your conversational partner has disconnected.


  1. Omegle apa?
    Buat2 cerita gitu ya?
    Huueheh, aku gak tau.

  2. kaya chat gitu tapi sama oran gak dikenal
    kita gak butuh username atau account
    cobalah kekeh2 nanti kau haha
    yang ini kebetulan aku ketemu orang yang ngajak bikin cerita


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